Cute Unicorn Dessert at Foret Blanc Patisserie, PJ - emilinda

Monday, July 31, 2017

Cute Unicorn Dessert at Foret Blanc Patisserie, PJ

If you read my previous blogpost about Pika Pika Sparkling Bright , i did mention that the event was held at Foret Blanc Patisserie. Frankly speaking, that was my first time heard about Foret Blanc Patisserie. Tak tahu pun wujudnya Foret Blanc ni. So when i received invitation to Pika Pika Sparkling Bright Tea Party, i was super excited to discover that new place (new place for me, lol). I take Uber from LRT Asia Jaya and it cost me RM8.61 (after RM7 discount)

The event haven't started yet the moment i reach Foret Blanc. But few of my blogger friends already there. I guess the concept of this store is minimalist. I like the way they're using lots of white & natural color for their interior design, make it feels cozy & warm. 

Penggunaan meja berstruktur kayu. You know what, meja macam ni bila nak tangkap gambar flat lay style, cantik kot. Mula-mula masuk rasa lengang je, but then bila semua dah sampai memang agak havoc sikit. Almaklum, time ni la semua nak bersembang, tangkap gambar, etc. Foret Blanc ni sesuai sangat kalau nak dijadikan tempat untuk hang out dengan kawan, reunion, birthday party, or tea party macam kitorang ni. 

And, here is the main reason of why i'm writing an article about this Foret Blanc Patisserie. Their dessert! Ya Allah, seriously comel-comel semuanya dessert kat sana. Comel dan sedap tau! Actually ada banyak lagi dessert yang disediakan pada hari tu, tapi laju je memasing ngap, tak sempat nak snap gambar lawa-lawa. But for this  2 dessert, the moment their staff hantar ke meja semua screaming like "omg so cuteeee". Lepastu tak sampai hati nak makan, hahah. How do i eat you when you're so cute, unicorn. I guess sebab 2 dessert ni extra cute, sebab tu diorang serve paling lambat. You know, save the best for last.

Freezy bowl unicorn. Alah, dessert ice-cream yang berasap-asap bila dihidangkan tu. Sayang betul nak makan sebab comel. We're a huge fan of unicorn. Takkan nak gigit tanduk & sayap unicorn tu, isk. Tanduk tu dia buat guna marshmallow kalau tak silap. Kreatif lah dorang ni.

Yang ni unicorn macaron. Cane nak makan kalau dah comel macam ni. This one dia bagi dalam kotak kecil sorang satu as a gift. Berhati-hati bawak balik, simpan dalam peti ais sebab sayang nak makan hahahah. Too much, is it? Seketul macaron je pun. And guess what, the next morning when i open the box, tengok tanduk dia dah patah. Isk, hancur hati. Alang-alang dah patah tu, makan jela. 

Forêt Blanc
49G, Jalan PJS 1/50,
Petaling Utama Avenue,
Petaling Jaya,


  1. This Cafe really give me good vibes. Nice and unique dessert too.

  2. Oh I was there as well! I really love their dessert it looks nice and taste nice!

  3. Alalalala comelnya unicornnya. Tak sampai hati nak makan kalau acik la yang dapatnya. Cafenya pun kemas betul. wahhhh

  4. agree with what you said. They are too cute to eat! I want to visit there!

  5. Cute products! Its frustrating that it is not available here in Manila. I'm jealous!

  6. the desserts look so to eat la. hahaha...need to plan a day to give it a try =)

  7. The unicorn macarons are so cute. I also sayang nak macan. Order ambik gamber je la, dah cukup.

  8. See you guys enjoy your event a lot! I want to try their dessert, look so cute!

  9. Bestnya, rugi pula tak join haritu ;)

  10. Omg... look at that desserts i melt already. I want to try them all

  11. So cute! This is so awesome~ I wanna try leh.. :)


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